Saturday, November 6, 2010

Keeping Your Account in Good Standing Forever

“How to Avoid, Eliminate, & Resolve ANY Limited Paypal Account!”

Now just before I get to the chapter that actually teaches you how to reverse and flat out beat the Paypal Nightmare without the headache and frustration, I want to first teach you how to keep your account in good standings if you either already have one in good standings or if you plan to open one in the near future.

If you follow my 4 components in this key system, you will drastically cut down on the risk of having your account limited. In fact, since I’ve started using this system, I have had absolutely NO problems with Paypal thus far.

That’s not to say that I won’t eventually have some serious issues, but what’s important is that it’s been nearly 1 full year and I have had absolutely no issues.

Instantly Eliminate Complaints
First off, as I stated earlier, you need to take on the ultimate business man’s attitude and follow the guidelines that “The customer is always right”. I know that it isn’t at all fair, but I don’t make the rules I just follow them.

Be sure to strongly encourage each of your customers to always come directly to you as the seller if they ever have even the slightest issues either through phone or email.

If possible, phone is always the best option because it allows customers to feel safe and really believe that if they have an issue, they don’t have to wait for you to resolve the problem through email response.

They can always contact you whenever they want to so that they will never have to make a complaint to Paypal that would raise suspicion.

You should also be sure to always follow up with new customers to make sure that you guys are all on the same page. There are many times that a legit seller feels that they have delivered or even over delivered on a particular transaction with a customer, but the customer may feel the complete opposite.

This is why it is very important that you follow up with the customer shortly after the transaction at least one time to be sure that they are satisfied. If they are satisfied, you can be certain that they will not be filing any complaints through Paypal.

However, if they are unsatisfied after you have contacted them, you must do whatever is necessary to satisfy them even if it means giving them a full refund from a product or service that they have already benefited off of.

That’s just life and life isn’t fair so just deal with it!

Getting Paypal Verified in 7 Days or Less
The next thing on the list that is very important for keeping your account in good standing is to
get Paypal verified as soon as possible by going through the necessary steps to prove that you are not only a legitimate seller, but that you are in fact the person that you claim to be operating out of the address that you claim is yours.

website explains everything that you will need to do and it is a very simple and painless process that can be done in just days.

The only way that you would have issues or problems in the Paypal verification process is if you were operating illegally or falsifying information. 

If you don’t plan to be 100% honest, don’t bother. You may as well figure out some other type of way to scam people.

All of the information in this ebook was put forth and created to help those legitimate online sellers and legit sellers ONLY! If you are a scammer that wants to get over on people you should close this ebook immediately and find somewhere else to get help with your evil ways.

I don’t mean to be harsh, but it is what it is. DO NOT USE WHAT YOU LEARN TO SCAM ANYONE INCLUDING PAYPAL.
Getting verified is a very simple process in which you will be walked through the steps after signing up and logging into your free account at
The only thing that is required is for you to send in copies of certain things such as:
• Photo ID or drivers license
• Social Security Card
• A few Utility Bills
• And possibly other simple things to help verify your identity

Again, just log into your Paypal if you already have one, and click on “Get verified” immediately if you have not already done so.

Always Offer an Alternate Payment Method
This next precaution is something that most sellers don’t do, but they definitely should
for many reasons which is give buyers multiple online payment options. This is a must if you are serious about not having any problems with your business being compromised or losing out on any profits.
The bottom line is that even though this tutorial teaches exactly how to get around the B.S. when it comes to dealing with the
Paypal Nightmare, that doesn’t mean that you will NEVER have any problems again.

When you are finished reading, you will know how to avoid the problems as well as how to resolve them if they should unfortunately occur. So just in case your Paypal account becomes limited even for just a few hours in the future, you need to be prepared. If you are only offering one form of payment, this would be a grave mistake especially if this one form of accepting payments was through Paypal.

You should offer multiple payment options in order to:
• Give your customers a choice as to how they spend their money
• Increase credibility and website conversions
• Insure that you lose no profits due to limited accounts

I strongly recommend offering 2 online payment methods on top of using Paypal, and these payment methods can include any of the following depending on what you are selling:
• And #1 recommended

Again, if you are one of the thousands that absolutely hate Paypal, you should really reconsider your position. I totally understand your frustration and couldn’t sympathize with you more, but boycotting Paypal completely will cost you profitable sales in the future that you don’t want to lose.

There are many people that will ONLY use Paypal when making purchases online. This is because they are the largest 3rd party based payment processor in the world and whether you agree or not, they have a very reputable name to the online business newcomer community.

To make sure your safe, just be sure to use Paypal and also offer minimum 2 of the above payment methods or something similar that you would prefer.

I strongly recommend using #1 worldwide rated

Monthly Account Supervision
The last thing that you need to do in order to be sure that your account stays in good standings forever is to have a
Paypal supervisor monitor your account monthly. Let’s face it, every time that you buy or sell something through Paypal, no matter how large or small the transaction is, you make Paypal money. Where would Paypal or any good payment processing company be without you and I?

They would be out of business because they make 100% of their money from processing fees so without any processing, there are no profits.

Keeping this little piece of information in mind, you owe it to yourself to have Paypal work for you. After all, you make them money, the least that they can do is return the favor by providing you with the excellent customer service that was promised to you upon signing up.

You should take full advantage of this by having a support agent review your account and all products and services being sold on a monthly basis to insure that you are not in any violation of their terms.

Be careful because you do not want to be unknowingly breaking one of their rules and then contact them and blow the whistle on yourself so that you immediately get your account limited or frozen when you were only trying to do the responsible thing. I know that it sounds pretty cruel, but it has happened before. You can have your account reviewed either through email at f79f0a43673e1ec7bc7ccc4f7f65b31ba or by calling Paypal directly at and speaking to someone over the phone at:

PayPal Customer Service:
(a U.S. telephone number)
4:00 AM PST to 10:00 PM PST Monday through Friday
6:00 AM PST to 8:00 PM PST Saturday and Sunday

Just note that if you do it through email, it may take longer, but at least you will have everything in writing for proof purposes in case Paypal says that you are in perfect standing with their terms and they possibly try to come back and say that you are breaking some rules even as soon as days later and then limit your account access.

Directly before you ever contact them to review your account, ALWAYS review your own account thoroughly and if you have a good trustworthy friend or business partner that is familiar with Paypal, you should honestly have them to look over your account for a second opinion to assess if you are following every rule correctly.

Be sure to put yourself in
Paypal’s shoes and be very critical of anything that you may be doing that could be potentially border line breaking the rules or suspicious looking activity.

Once you’re finished reviewing your account and have gotten a second opinion, you are good to go so go for it! Contact that representative through phone or email around the same time every month.

Withdraw Funds Regularly
If you withdraw a large amount of money out of the blue and you’ve never done this before, this will look pretty suspicious and could cause
Paypal to raise a brow at you.

However, if you do this regularly then it becomes common place and
Paypal will view this activity as normal behavior for your specific account. This is not the only reason that you want to withdraw your money regularly. You also
want to do it because again, you need to take every step and precaution imaginable to prevent your account from being limited and still at the end of the day, there is nothing that can 100% guarantee that you are safe.

Therefore, as you make money, it needs to be withdrawn to your bank account, through your Paypal debit card, or even by check by mail.

This would be a grave mistake. How often you should withdraw money depends on how much money you are earning and how quickly. Me personally, I believe that you should withdraw funds about once per week probably on
the same day of the week if your income and payments are pretty consistent and steady.

This is because it will get a nice pattern going and this pattern that I propose won’t look suspicious as it resembles that of how Payroll is done with other traditional businesses with their employees. Of course this means that you could also withdraw bi weekly, but I figure why not once a week?

If you have made money that week, even if it’s not a lot of money, YOU SHOULD WITHDRAW it because it’s FREE to do so and it prevents any potential issues.

Think of it like this,
Paypal cannot freeze money that is not in your account!

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