Saturday, November 6, 2010

Reversing the Paypal Nightmare

“How to Avoid, Eliminate, & Resolve ANY Limited Paypal Account!”

It’s finally time for me to reveal how to reverse that Paypal nightmare of having your account limited and money frozen with absolutely no explanation given as to how you can solve the problem.

Pay very close attention because the process that you will learn is clever, time tested, somewhat common sense, and what’s most important is the fact that it works every time.

If you have any negative thoughts going through your head at the moment, doubts that I don’t know what I’m talking about, or that you situation is hopeless, then you have to immediately change your mind set for success.

If you don’t believe, YOU WILL NOT ACHIEVE!
It’s not enough to know what I am about to teach you and even to put it to use. You honestly need to feel in your heart that it is going to work, and it will work.

Connecting With an Agent

The first thing in this process is to speak to an agent immediately! I will admit that in the past, getting a live agent on the phone was nearly impossible and if you were able to pull off this nearly impossible feat, they were more than likely going to be completely useless and unable to help you in any way shape or form.

They weren’t going to have ANY answers for you because they are given very limited information, and your account issues would remain for a very long period of time and possibly forever.

I must say, that over the years, Paypal has really improved their tech support and customer service to say the least. Now, I’m not saying that they are perfect, because no company is, but I am saying that if you know how to work the system, you can be helped.

Call Paypal’s customer service phone number at 402-935-2050 and follow the menu prompts to speak to an agent.

This task is not nearly as difficult as it once was so don’t be afraid. Just follow the prompts and you will have an agent on the phone in just minutes. Keep in mind that if you should happen to get disconnected before or after you are able to connect with a support agent, just be patient and call them back. Just like any other automated phone customer service system, sometimes there are errors or glitches that could disconnect you, but for the most part, Paypal’s system is pretty reliable.

Remember, getting them on the phone isn’t the problem. The hard part is getting the answers that you need which is what I will be discussing in the next section. Getting Answers ASAP!

Now it’s time to get your answers! There are really only 2 questions that you need answered and you need them answered immediately so that you can fix this problem.

For starters, how about an explanation on exactly why your account has been “Limited”?

The next question that you need answered is what are the necessary steps to get your account out of “Limited” status?

So now that you have these people on the phone, YOU NEED TO SPEAK WITH 

Do not even think about attempting to have a regular agent handle your account because not only do they have VERY LIMITED authority as far as getting your account back to good standing, but also, if they happen to take a look at it, and they want to deny your account appeal, your account will stay limited FOREVER and you will more than likely have to wait that entire 180 day period before you can withdraw even a penny of your money.

Be stern, professional, polite, and persistent. You may have to request a supervisor several times before your request is actually granted, but you need to make it happen regardless to what it takes.

Once you finally get a supervisor on the phone, the most important thing at this point is that YOU SHOW NO ATTITUDE OR DISRESPECT to the agent because they hold your life in their hands.

I don’t agree with it, but Paypal gives these employees a ton of power when it comes to you trying to lift your account limit. If one person says “NO” and that your account limitations will be there forever because they denied your appeal, it will be pretty difficult or in many times impossible for you to get your account back where you want it.

This really sucks because this means that if someone on the other end of the phone was having a bad day and you were unlucky enough to be that random person that they decided to take their frustrations out on, NO ONE WILL BE ABLE TO HELP YOU!

I know that this is a very frustrating ordeal that you are going through and that you could be losing hundreds, thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars daily depending on how successful your business is, but just stay positive and remember that the person that you are speaking with more than likely had absolutely nothing to do with your account being frozen

I also fully understand that the amount of money that was frozen could be as little as just $20 or as much as millions of dollars, but regardless to how much, it is still your money and you still deserve it.

The more important it is to you to get your account limit lifted, the more important it is to stay calm and go directly by the book. After asking the agent (Supervisor) those two important questions, don’t expect to get an immediate straight forward answer and here’s why.

like I stated earlier, these people working for Paypal (even the supervisors) are still nothing more than privileged employees with very limited powers and even more limited information.

They can only see the information that is allowed and listed on their computer. In many cases, the agent on the other end of the phone has no detailed idea of why your account has been frozen. They usually have only some general information that could mean you violated any one of dozens of rules.

Now what’s important is the fact that the agent’s computer screen should give some prompts and vague instructions as to what was possibly the issue and even more important is what you need to do to lift the limitation.

Usually you need to either stop selling a certain type of product or service or you need to verify information over the phone, through email, and possibly through postal mail. They will instruct you on what they need from you, but this is not enough. This is the mistake that most people make and they begin to just fax in paper work and document after document without knowing exactly what the problem is as to why your account has been classified as limited.

Lifting the Limits in as little as 24 Hours LISTEN VERY CLOSELY!
What I am about to tell you may seem nearly impossible, but it works so just stick with it. The person that you really need to speak with IMMEDIATELY is the one person that made the sole (Wrong) decision to limit your account. The problem is that this part of the resolution department can not be reached through phone. How convenient huh?!?!

This is what makes it difficult, because every time that you ask to be placed in direct contact with the person that “Limited” your account, you are told this is IMPOSSIBLE because they DO NOT handle any of their business through the phone.

Have you ever heard of the term “Bug-a-Boo”?
A bug-a-boo is someone that is a huge pest. They are like the ultimate pest that you just cannot seem to get rid of. Well my friend, you are going to have to turn into a complete bug-a-boo. No one likes to continually call and email someone that has no interest in speaking to them or hearing what they have to say, but you are going to have to do it anyway.

In some rare cases, you can settle your disputes very easily just by faxing in the necessary paper work and nothing else. First, you need to demand to speak to the person that was in charge of making the decision on your account even though you will more than likely be denied initially. 

Be firm and stand your ground.
If you are persistent over that phone, eventually they are going to give you the email address of the person that you need to speak with so that you can go back and forth with them through email.

Once you get their email address, the only thing that will be left for you to do is to follow the instructions that you receive from the phone agent to restore your account and lift the limits.

You then need to check your email in order to respond to the email that was sent out from the department that froze your funds and begin speaking with them. Be direct so that they can give you a direct answer and the LAST thing that you want to do is tick them off so be polite and professional. In some cases, you can actually get the limits lifted within just 24 hours, but it definitely shouldn’t take longer than a few days.

Honestly, sometimes if you haven’t followed the steps as I have just explained, then you literally will never be able to lift your account limitations, but there is still a solution to immediately continue to sell through Paypal as well as a few solutions to access your frozen funds immediately.

Unfreeze Denied Accounts
If your account appeal has been denied and you are told that your account access will not be restored, EVER, DON’T GIVE UP Because I have a solution.
As I have already explained, knowing “Why” your account has been limited is very important to figuring how to restore access, but if your account has been denied indefinitely, it is IMPARATIVE to find out what the reason was for the “Limitation” in order to form a quick and effective game plan to reverse this nightmare. From my research, in most cases, accounts are frozen due to an error in the Paypal system. It seems that their computer systems are very sensitive to linking similar information to the same accounts and then red flagging their staff to freeze them.

Now again, don’t be upset at Paypal because I already explained to you their position and why it is so very important for them to be so strict. Honestly, when they accidentally mix and match your info with someone else’s that had
bad accounts, it is a very honest mistake. However, if they trace you back to an account of yours that truly was unlawfully frozen, here’s how you can prove your case that you are a legit seller and that it was a glitch in their system.
Over 90% of the time that Paypal “Limits” an account of a good honest seller that had no intensions of breaking any rules, whether they actually give you an explanation or not, it’s probably because they have strong or maybe even slight reason to believe that you either aren’t the person that you claim to be or that you have done direct or indirect Paypal business with someone who now or in the past has problems with their account.

I know that it is probably easier said than done, but you need to convince PayPal that you are not that person IMMEDIATELY!

Most likely, PayPal is not going to believe anything you say at first, and if you admit to knowing the person they have linked to your account, it seems that makes the problem worse.

It could be a legitimate error on PayPal's part. For example: Your phone number or address is the same ones used previously by someone else who had a problem with PayPal. So you might try showing PayPal that their information is old and outdated.

If on the other hand, they are linking accounts based on ISP or IP, you'll have to prove to them when you got your ISP and that it's not at the same time as when the other person allegedly used it.

Your account could also be linked based on who you paid and who paid you. This is a little more difficult to resolve, but far from impossible. If you made more than one payment or received more than one payment from an account PayPal has determined is fraudulent, the game is pretty much over.

The only recourse I see is challenging the assessment made on the other account. You'd have to work with that other party to prove to PayPal that they are wrong in their determination. You have the option of hiring a lawyer, possibly spend a small amount of necessary money, and taking legal action if you truly believe that you are innocent of all accusations.

This is definitely NOT as an insult to Paypal in no way shape or form. It’s just business. We all make mistakes and I am more than sure that Paypal (As a company in whole) would never deliberately make a mistake that will cause you lost profits or inconvenience.

How about your friends…
Your account could also be limited because you used a friend’s computer or they used yours, and this could also get a little tricky, or it could also be any of the other reasons listed in previous sections of this tutorial. You should write a letter to the attorney general of Nebraska, California, and your state.
Explain to them what has happened in detail. Simply, ask them to begin an immediate investigation because you need your money unfrozen ASAP!
You might also hire a local attorney to write a letter on your behalf or possibly just use a very cheap service such as Pre-paid Legal ( for unlimited legal help from some of your state’s top attorneys in this area for under $40 per month. In most cases PayPal completely ignores user complaints, phone calls, faxes, & email unless you are using my methods, but does respond to government investigators and private lawyers.

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