Saturday, November 6, 2010

Your Exact Plan of Action

“How to Avoid, Eliminate, & Resolve ANY Limited Paypal Account!”

You are now armed with everything that you need in order to deal with Paypal. The question is are you going to use what I have given you to immediately fix your situation, are you going to be negative and convince your self that my time tested methods don’t work, or are you going to do nothing at all. The choice is yours, but to make things easier for you, I want to give you an outline and an exact plan of action depending on who you are and what category you fall under. New or Currently in Good Standings For those of you that are new to Paypal, this is just great. What I need for you to do is go
through the steps that we discussed in the “Keeping Your Account in Good Standings” section so that you NEVER have to deal with the Paypal nightmare first hand.

Your Account is Currently Limited
If your account is currently limited and you need your money, refer to the previous post “Reversing the Paypal Nightmare” take action immediately. Don’t make excuses; just do what you need to get your account in good standings and your money released.

You Have Been Banned From Paypal
For those of you that have been banned from Paypal, you should refer to the post “Owning Multiple Accounts” and follow that system to success.

Paypal Alternative Payment Methods
There are many companies out there that claim to be a legit and trustworthy Paypal alternative, but believe me, I have done the research, the trial and error and most of these companies are garbage.
Here are the 3rd party payment processors that I recommend:
However, its been proven through many customer satisfaction surveys and polls that the world’s #1 Paypal alternative is definitely having your own merchant account through Check them out because they can definitely help you.

It’s Problem Solving Time!
After reading through everything that was just explained in this manual, there is no reason that you should be in the same predicament this time next week that you are currently in with Paypal. Don’t make excuses or begin thinking negative thoughts. My associates and I have used every one of these methods, precautions, and secrets to have ultimate success with Paypal so that we run our businesses worry free. Use what I have taught and take action immediately!
Good Luck!

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